Basix 4 Blokes is a charity whose Mission is to

Encourage and empower men to take ownership of their own health

Basix 4 Blokes promotes the 4 B’s 4 Blokes


take ownership of your own health


seek overall wellness


know WHY you need to be healthier


prevent health problems rather than solve them

BUILDING BETTER BLOKES is the intended outcome

Basix 4 Blokes Inc Exists to

Create awareness of the need for men to take ownership of their health for the sake of themselves and those who need them (spouses, partners, kids, parents, family, employers, employees, sporting teammates, and the wider community generally)

Destigmatise conversations between men about health related issues.

Enable men to increase their nutritional literacy and cooking skills so they can prepare their own healthy, nutritious and enjoyable meals

Create a National Tribe of men who band together to launch their “better health” journey as a community and support eachother in this quest – Walk Now Club

Basix 4 Blokes is very deliberate and intentional in avoiding a definition or delineation regarding health. Our view is that the definition of health that matters most to YOU, is YOURS. We use the term health as relating to an individual’s overall wellbeing.

We also believe that the REASON for a man to seek better health is essential for him to discover, but HIS reason needs to decided by HIM. Helping this personal discovery is an aspect of our PURPOSE for being.
Basix 4 Blokes is developing a TV Cooking Show to be the primary platform on which we will promote our messaging and work. This site has a dedicated section providing more detailed information on this show – “WHAT’S on your PLATE”

The Reasons

In general, men tend to address their health reactively rather than proactively – often resulting in premature death or conditions being more advanced when discovered and hence more complex to conquer.

It is better to build a fence at the top of the cliff, than to run an ambulance service at the base.

Men, in general, have somewhat of a stigma around discussing their health with others. This can be a contributing factor to delayed iagnosis/intervention/treatment.

As men become more aware of their inner world (emotions/feelings etc) they more readily have conversations about issues like their health, and the better partners/fathers/mates/civilians etc they become.

Too many men are dying from NOT addressing their health challenges early enough.

We want men to live longer and better lives – for EVERYONE’S sake!

Basix 4 Blokes Action

The most important part of the whole venture is a vehicle by which we can actually help men to take ownership of their own health by talking about their health, managing their health challenges better and improving their health literacy.

Aligned with our public awareness campaigns, the main programs will be:


Running online and face to face courses where men will

explore internal activity (better self understanding – emotional literacy)

learn how to create safe environments for health related conversations

find their own compelling reason to become a healthier version of themselves


We want men to become more:

explore internal activity (better self understanding – emotional literacy)

learn how to create safe environments for health related conversations

find their own compelling reason to become a healthier version of themselves


Establishing national Walking Club (Walk Now) which operates locally through groups that meet at their local IGA Supermarket. 

This will a regular time where men meet and walk together with a specific focus on having conversations around their health as they exercise together.


Establishing our own YouTube channel covering resources to help men better understand and take ownership of their health including

Interviews with men (mostly high profile celebrities) who have encountered and overcome challenging health conditions

Information from various medical and academic experts which is current and interesting in regard to health issues

Cooking shows that have entertainment and nutritional literacy components that specifically target health, enjoyable foods that “anyone” can prepare and deliver

The Reasons

In general, men tend to address their health reactively rather than proactively – often resulting in premature death or conditions being more advanced when discovered.

The Elements

In general, men tend to address their health reactively rather than proactively – often resulting in premature death or conditions being more advanced when discovered.

Encouraging and empowering men to talk more about their health

About the founder

Invite Richard to talk at your event

By way of introduction, I am Richard Paterson – the one entrusted with the dream of creating this Charity to help blokes to “take ownership” of their own health.

I am an ordinary bloke who has been on a bit of an extraordinary journey. But I want to make my journey count. So I am using my experiences to serve as the foundation of learning how to help other blokes cope a bit better with their life –if/when they encounter health challenges, but more importantly to act proactively to avoid this.

My life as a dad is somewhat unusual, in that I have raised my son on my own since he was 4 ( in 2004 ). My journey has included 8 years of litigation in the Family Court, whilst raising my precious boy alone. That was tough for everyone involved. Simultaneously I had to hold down a well paid job to finance the process.

About the founder

My name is Richard Paterson, and I am an ordinary bloke who has been on somewhat of an extraordinary journey, but I want to make my journey count. So I am using my experiences to serve as the foundation of learning how to help other blokes cope a bit better with their life – especially if/when they encounter health challenges.

My mission now is to raise the volume on the need for us blokes to talk about our health and help each other toward better health. I want to add years to men’s lives, but also life to men’s years. I am full of passion and I will get this done, whatever it takes. Already my passion has drawn some amazing resources to enable this significant work to save and improve the lives of Aussie Blokes – dramatically!

Invite Richard to talk at your event

WHAT’S on your PLATE?

This is the unique vehicle to promote the aspirations and message of Basix 4 Blokes Charity and will be included on our YouTube Channel.

The program is a hybrid of a few show “styles” with the intent of attracting a male audience that can then be exposed to the issues and solutions that the charity is addressing. The cooking element is aimed at teaching men how to cook a specific type of food rather than a particular recipe. For example, a roast, gluten free meals, a stir fry, a healthy vegetarian meal, curry, a whole food meal…

basix 4 blokes TV

The program is a hybrid of a few show “styles” with the intent of attracting a male audience that can then be exposed to the issues and solutions that the charity is addressing. The cooking element is aimed at teaching men how to cook a specific type of food rather than a particular recipe. For example, a roast, a stir fry, a healthy vegetarian meal, curry, a whole food meal.

Each episode will involve a male with a public profile, who has experienced and conquered a health crisis. The guest will choose a type of food he would like to become competent in cooking. We will then source a chef from a restaurant that is highly regarded for cooking the type of food the guest has nominated.